Thursday, June 18, 2009

We own a tractor????

Had you said to me, even 2 years ago, "You're going to own a tractor soon, and you're actually going to be excited about it, AND you're going to learn how to drive it (even though you successfully avoided learning that particular skill as a kid)" I would have told you that you were insane and should clearly seek professional help.

And yet, here I am, absolutely giddy about that fact that Huband is off with FIL today picking up said tractor. I haven't actually seen it yet, so I'm not sure how big it is, I just know that it has a bushhog/finish mower attachment already so we can actually mow our entire lawn without bending a blade on the riding mower. We'll spend our Saturday afternoons riding around the yard - Husband on the tractor, me on the riding mower, making our grass all pretty - in less than 6 1/2 hours!! It will be amazing. Plus, think how fun it will be to buy implements for a tiller to prep our garden, and a blade to scrape the snow off our driveway this winter, or a bucket for, oh I don't know what you use a bucket for, but wouldn't it be fun to HAVE?? And we'll need a barn too at some point. Holy cow. Maybe it will fit in the garage!

In other news, I'm leaving work early today because I have a suspicious tick bite and Husband demands I go get antibiotics in case its Lyme Disease. Good grief. I feel certain that its just nothing, its just an allergic reaction, but he is insistant. And trust me, when a Man gets it in his head that you're going to the doctor, its best to just go. So that means I'll be using some PTO for this afternoon and I don't have a whole lot to begin with, but its ok, I'll get more. We have 2 small vacations planned for this summer, so I have to make sure I have enough left over for those. And I should have some time left this afternoon to catch up on studying and to weed my garden which will be awesome.

I suppose I should get back to work - or else what was the point of coming in today at all??


  1. Cool! I know SomeOne else whose rather excited about getting a tractor in His future. lol

  2. I am the quintessential city girl and even *I* am excited about your tractor, LoL!

    Where are you going on vacation? Can you share?

  3. We are going to Nashville, Indiana for our anniversary (just a couple nights away from normal stuff), and then to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee for my Dad's 70th birthday in August.
