Monday, June 15, 2009

Another Monday almost done

For some reason, since I started my new job, I've really come to hate Mondays. I can't decide why that is. I don't dislike my job. I think maybe its because since we moved (which is when I started my new job) I really like being at home and I hate it when the weekends end. Of course, now that bad things have happened in my yard, I'm not sure how I'll feel about the place when I get home.

It felt very magical this weekend, cutting the grass, playing with the ducks, picking our first squash of the season and frying it up for Husband (he loves fried squash!!), looking at our (weed ridden) garden and day dreaming about juicy tomatoes and tender ears of corn. The vast expanse of fresh cut grass that leads to our lone raspberry bush that I hope will someday produce baskets full of cobbler filling.

Someone told me not long ago that the place where I live sounds like a Disney cartoon. I couldn't stop thinking about that this morning, and it dawns on me now that even Bambi's mother died in a Disney cartoon, right?

Sure, I'm aware of how melodramatic I'm being, but it really is like I just found out that Prince Charming snores...and leaves his toenail trimmings on the floor...and has racing stripes in his underwear...and picks his nose...and never says 'bless you'...and is just a general, all-around son-of-a-bitch sometimes.

I promise, I'll be over it tomorrow (or at least I'll pretend to be).

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