Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pooie Day

Yeah, that's right, I said it's a "Pooie Day"...wanna make something of it? Oh, sorry ~ perhaps I'm feeling a bit confrontational right now.

Last night I was struck down with a headache and the realization that I only have 1 handwrap, the other must have disappeared during our move. Shit. So I studied and fixed dinner and watched old episodes of ANTM and just generally felt sorry for myself. Finally I went downstairs to feed the guineas and before coming back up and pounded on the old heavy bag for a little while - barefoot and bare fisted until my knuckles were bright red and screaming. I just broke a sweat, nothing major, but still more than I thought I'd do with the massive headache. Of course, hitting the bag did nothing for the head, but I was just frustrated at that point and didn't care.

I still have said headache, but it feels like an excuse and I refuse to fail this time, dammit. I found a Pilates For Beginners DVD on our rack (No idea where that came from, btw) so I'm either going to give that a shot when I get home (I've never done any all...ever...none) or I'll do an honest heavy bag routine. Either way, I gotta get moving. Oh, I did do some dips this morning before work. I'm somewhat obsessed with the disgusting state of my upper arms, so I'm trying to work in tricep exercises any free moment I have. If you know of any that really work, please share!!

Ok, I'm off to pick up Husband for lunch in a few minutes. I get to go out in the rain - yay!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Don't have much time here cause I only have an hour left in this day and it is essential that I accomplish...something. But, I wanted to give you and update.

Got home last night (35 minutes LATE because of a stupid traffic jam!!) and threw a couple chicken breasts in the oven. Then I studied for about 20 minutes. Then I did the strength training routine! I actually did it. I know that's not impressive really, but before I can accomplish (fail at) anything, I have to start it. So step one: starting - check! I was only able to do the minimum recommended reps of each movement, which was 8 (except the tourture-crunches...the kind where you lay on your back, put your knees in the air and straighten and lower one leg as your crunch...yeah, I did 4 on each side and prayed for death). Oh, and the calf thingies - raising up on one foot, hold, lower slowly, I did 10 of those and then 10 more on both feet. Guess my calves are pretty strong after packing all this ass around for so long. When I got finished, I was hot and tired and semi-sweaty and achy feeling. This morning, my legs were a bit sore, but not much and it's gone now. So I'm thinking I didn't really push myself hard enough. I'm not accustomed to pushing myself physically (except when doing yard work, in which case I always over-do it and hurt myself) so I have to figure out how to dig deep and make myself do more than I think I'm capable of.

Afterward, I continued to study until Husband got home, then we fixed homemade chicken burritos (YUM) and took a walk around the yard after dinner. Got 4 more tomatoes, a handful of green beans and a cucumber from the garden. 4 canteloupes are very close to ripe too - exciting!

So tonight is the heavy bag routine. I plan to try to figure out what a good time limit is, so I can say I start with ____ minutes and work up from there. I try to stay light (HA) on my feet and move around a lot to get some extra cardio out of it. First - I have to figure out how to wrap my hands!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Plans are made to be broken...

The problem with being flexible (and I mean in an 'available for someone one their schedule' way, not a 'flexie-bendie' way) is that you have to be so...flexible.

This weekend, we finally got a space cleared out in the basement...wait...I say that like our basement is full of crap and that could not be farther from the truth. Here's the deal, when we had ducks (before the tragedy), they spent their nights in the room in the basement (it's a typical big-open-space-unfinished basement, except for this little room off to one side) and we had put cedar chips on the floor for them to keep down the smell and give them something nicer than concrete to sleep on. My heavy bag was also in that room (separated from the ducks) and not hung up and all the internet stuff (router, whatever) was right under my heavy bag stand, which didn't lend itself to bouncing around in there. So this weekend, I got all the cedar chips out of there and we cleaned up the aquarium where the guineas stayed when they were in the basement and we moved the heavy bag stand out into the main room and hung up the bag. The plan was to start with a heavy bag routine last night. Didn't happen.

Because there is rain in the forecast today (and the rest of the week, and all weekend AND all of next week), Husband needed my help getting the lawn mowed last night, so it wouldn't end up half mowed for a week while it rained. When I got home, I studied for the hour until he got home, then we fixed dinner and ate and got started mowing. We mowed for 2 1/2 hours, so until 9:30pm, then I had to go down and feed the guineas (they were a little less than pleased with the slow service) and by then it was nearly 10pm. I'm not what you'd call a "good sleeper" and I've read that working out late at night can be bad for sleeping, so it seemed like a bad plan to do it after my usual bedtime. But I did ride the mower around for 2 1/2 hours and my arms are quite sore as a result, so my muscles must have done some moving. They already feel better now than they did this morning, so I plan to do the strength training stuff tonight, before Husband gets home, then I'll study later. That's my plan, we'll see how I do.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I can't stand...

*bloggers who think they are the shit and who won't hesitate to spend an entire post telling you how wonderful they are. Gag.

*when people say "See ya" or "Later" instead of goodbye on the phone. This applies especially when it is someone they don't know and who they will most likely never see and/or talk to again. Just dumb.

*not being able to shake that groggy feeling. My eyes are rolling up in my head and I can barely stay awake. I was this way ALL day yesterday. Suck.

*traffic jams. It took me an hour and 15 minutes to get to work this morning, when it usually takes 40 minutes. Aaarrrggghhh. I was very angry. I don't know how many times I've forbidden people to have accidents, close roads, etc, etc, etc where I'm trying to drive.

*when my office mate decides he wants to have a conversation with me. Granted, this hardly ever happens. But today, when I'm super groggy and trying to study (at work ~ with permission ~ because I have no actual work to do ~ SWEET) he decides he wants to discuss refinancing and mortgage rates and all that shit. Please, for the love of god, just shut the fuck up.

Ok ~ now that I have all that off my chest (and I feel a lot better thankyouverymuch), I can tell you what's up with the running/working out stuff. I talked to Husband about it and he's on board (yay!), so we're going to clean out the basement (hopefully very soon) and put his stuff down there from his room and we're going to bring the heavy bag upstairs and put it in the spare bedroom. Then we found a workout bench thingy - kind of like a bowflex but WAY less expensive. We're going to buy that and put that in there too. That will be the workout room, which is a step in the right direction for me to have a space dedicated to that. The only time in my life I've worked out regularly was when I had a space, just for that, in our old house.

This week there is a fair in Husband's hometown and next week is the fair in the town where we live, so we'll be going to those a few nights and I still have to keep up with my studying (having this time to study at work is invaluable this week!!) AND I need to clean the house, take care of the guineas, clean their house, and get the laundry and stuff caught up. But, somewhere in there, I hope to find time to get everything situated and start the new routine on Monday. That's the current goal, we'll see how we do.

Monday, July 20, 2009

I love it when...

*People post pictures on their blogs, especially of something inside their house. I often find myself looking, not at the subject of the picture, but at the stuff in the background. Magazines on tables, flowers on a windowsill, the blanket on the couch. Is there dust on/under their furniture like there is on mine?? What's playing on that TV in the background?? As you can see, I often miss what the picture was even supposed to be of.

*Monday passes quickly and suddenly I look at the clock and there is less than an hour and a half before I go home. And I know what I'm fixing for dinner and I know I need to study and finish hemming Husband's pants and the whole evening is laid out before me.

*A project I've been dreading at work turns out to be MUCH easier than I expected it to be and I finish it and don't have to dread it any longer.

*The momma deer who lives near us brings her triplets out where we can see them. She brings them out every Saturday morning between 9:30am and 10:30am and they are PRECIOUS!! Yesterday before leaving the house, we saw one of the babies, sprinting across the front yard and no one else in the family. Then we saw a grown deer down the road who had an unfortunate encounter with a vehicle, so we were very afraid for the little family. But she kindly brought them out again after we got home, just so we'd know they are all safe and together, I'm sure.

*My guineas act like they're maybe not completely terrified of me. We're still not best friends, and they're still quite wild, but from time to time, they'll come quite near me and act like I don't have the plague, and that's nice.

*We have a weekend together where we basically accomplish nothing. Sure, I feel a little guilty about letting 2 whole days pass and doing: a TINY bit of laundry, sort of cleaning the kitchen up (a pathetic attempt, really), grocery shopping, taking care of the guineas, going to see a play, and watching movies and NOTHING else. It's awesome. And it's even better when we veg because we want to and not because anyone is sick or anything.

*We go and do something and neither of us is sure how it's going to be and then we both have a great time. We went to our little community theatre Saturday night to see their production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. We've both seen Shakespear before, done the way you expect to see it done, and Husband read in the paper the other day, that this one was set in the 1980's. That scared us both a little because there was that movie version of Romeo and Juliet set in the 90's or something and we both loathed it. But we went with *partially* open minds. IT WAS GREAT. They were all dressed in 80's clothes and there was lots of 80's rock infused in the play. There were a couple actors of questionable talent, but for a tiny community theatre, it had a GREAT cast. The guys that played Puck, Flute and Bottom were beyond awesome and one of them was only a junior in high school. The play was hilarious, the cast worked very hard and we had a wonderful time.


I found myself driving to into the sun this morning, squinting, with my sunglasses on my head.

Friday, July 17, 2009


I've noticed that I use the word "so" WAY too much. Not just when I'm talking but also in my blog posts and emails. I often delete it from Tweets in order to get under the 140 character limit. I also say, "Hm...interesting" about 50 million times a day. Hey, there's lots of interesting shit in the world!! And it doesn't work if you pronouce interesting with 3 syllables, it has to be just one.

Anyway...I need to make some modifications to my speech patterns. I'm getting on my own damn nerves.

Need suggestions here

As you might have guessed, I'm not expert when it comes to fitness (if you knew me in RL, you would know just how much of an understatement that really is). So, I have a tentative plan for starting out here and I need suggestions from those of you who know what you're talking about (and any level of "knowing" will trump chime in!)

Here's what I'm thinking for the first couple weeks:

Monday - strength training
Tuesday - heavy bag (time yet to be determined - I want to push myself, but not kill myself and I'm honestly not sure where that line is yet)
Wednesday - off or a light walk/run to keep up the momentum
Thursday - strength training
Friday - heavy bag
Saturday - strength training
Sunday - same as Wednesday questions are, so I need to do the strength training more frequently for it to make improvements? Should I combine it and the heavy bag on the same night? Or should I do the heavy bag first rather than the strength stuff (by strength training, I'm meaning dips and push ups and things like that). Do I need those "off" nights or will that hurt more than help?

It's clearly going to be a learning process for me - to see what I am capable of and what my body will stage a revolt against. I intend to start off kind of light, but enough to push myself so I make progress. I will be finding the line between "making progress" and "hurting myself" and no one can really tell me where that line is except my own body. (I'm sure it won't hesitate to let me know!!)

For this weekend, the steps I'll be taking in the right direction are to clean out the room in the basement where my heavy bag goes and to get it set up. The ducks were in there when they stayed in the house so it looks pretty much like what you're picturing right now. So I'll be cleaning out the cedar chips and the duck poop and bleaching the concrete and then scrubbing off the nasty bleach smell with some kind of pleasant smelling cleaner. Then I'll get my heavy bag put up (with help from K, of course) and all that.

Monday will start my new life, so I need to get ready!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Here it is.

So I say to Husband last night, "So, you wanna run a marathon?" to which He replies, "Um, not right now." Gotta love him. Then I told him about my plan and he says, "How are you going to do that with studying and everything?" I didn't really expect resistance from that angle, but that just made me more determined because it's not impossible to do this, but it does kind of seem impossible.

The new master plan for the blog (and for my life, really) is to run a marathon. I haven't set a date and said, "I'm going to run X marathon on X date" which is probably what I should do, but that seems huge. So I'm going to run a 5k first...gotta start small. I know that I need to start that small because I found a 5 week training program for a 5k race and there's no way I can do that yet. I'm so out of shape it isn't even funny. So my current goal is to work my way up to starting the 5k training. I figure it'll take about a month. I'm going to start with the heavy bag tonight - basically working on stamina (with hopeful upper arm improvements!).

I'm going to try for a 5week pre-training training program. There will be heavy bag workouts and run/walks and I found a general strength training program that seems like a good idea. I need to get a reasonable schedule worked out - both to keep this realistic (it's not like the CPA exam just disappeared or anything) and because I just function better with a schedule (hence, the studying schedule). Once I get a schedule worked out, I'll post it here and we'll go from there.

I will have beginning numbers (weight, measurements, etc) but the overwhelming shame will not allow me to post those here - not just yet. Once I'm far enough away from those numbers, I'll tell you what they were, but not until they're a thing of the past. Besides, losing weight or being thin or whatever isn't my goal here. My goal is to pick something I want to do, something I could totally accomplish if I put my mind to it and am committed to it, and DO THAT THING. If I drop a bunch of weight and become a total hottie in the process - BONUS.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A plan

I finally have a plan for this blog. Sort of. More than just random ramblings about nothing in particular. Don't get me wrong - those will still be here - but there will also be a more grand purpose to the thing. We'll be going somewhere with this, you see. I'm going to do something. And I'm going to document it.

Earth shattering, right? You're glad you waited all this time for me to come up with that (completely original) idea...right?

And here's the best part...I don't know what it's going to be yet. I don't know what I'll be documenting. I haven't been inspired. I can't decide if I want to start something every day for a week, let's say. Or maybe for a month and see how that goes. Can I keep it up? Can I blog about it? Will it mean anything? Or should I just start out with a whole year. That seems huge.

I know I don't have many readers on here yet so I'm not going to bother with setting up a poll cause I feel certain I wouldn't get many responses. But I'm going to throw some ideas I have out here and let them bounce around and see if anyone has anything to say about them. Maybe it'll just help me decide all on my own.

Ideas for a week (to potentially be extended to a month or longer):
~Eat an apple before each meal.
~Do a cleansing/detox type diet
~Do something creative every day (and actually post pics of the results)
~Have sex every day (I've also thought of this one as 365 times in a year/31 times in a month but not necessarily every single day....make sense?)

One idea I had for a longer goal-type thing was to run a mini-marathon next summer. I mean, it would be awesome to run in the New York City marathon in 2010, but being able to run 26 miles in a little over a year when I can't even run down my driveway right now, might be a touch unreasonable. Of course, unreasonable does NOT equal undoable or impossible. So, we'll see. And I've always wanted to be a runner.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


What do I think of people who don't censor themselves regardless of their audience? Am I envious? Or do I think they must lead boring lives if they don't mind for every single person they know to potentially know every single detail of their lives. Still - am I envious of that kind of simplicity? Or am I envious of a life filled with those kinds of relationships? Can you imagine being surrounded ONLY by people who would not judge you (or disown you) for anything you could think to say? Sure, I have a couple of those people in my life, but they are most certainly not ALL like that.

Not to mention - these people who claim to be uncensored - how do we know that they really are? I mean, when you're reading a blog, or twitter posts, or whatever, you have no idea what's really going on outside the monitor. Sure, they might claim they're sharing their entire life, or that they don't hold back on their opinions, but you really have no way of knowing. (Next time you're reading someone's blog - especially someone you don't really know - just imagine all the things they could be doing while typing that very post!!)And whenever someone's blog is open to family members, I'm always skeptical. But maybe that's just me. Perhaps I compartmentalize.

I'd have to be 'out there' looking 'in here' to really say, but maybe if you read this blog, then read my tweets, then read my other blog - you might not even think all 3 were written by the same person. Surely this can't all be the same life - can it? Three completely different views on a single reality? Or is it even a single reality?

Sorry - I didn't intend to be all philosophical and cryptic, it just came out that way.

Lost in translation

On the way to work this morning, I saw a bumper sticker someone had stuck to the back of a street sign. It said, "Abortion is Murder". But, my little 7:20am eyes read it as "Adoption is Murder" and I thought, Geez, if it is, you're doing it wrong!

Friday, July 10, 2009


It's finally Friday. I say "finally" because I'm certain this week has been 8 or 10 days long. I'm caught up on my studying (I have a schedule) so I'm going to study some at lunch today to try to review and maybe get ahead a little, then any studying I do this weekend is just bonus, so that's beyond awesome. I do, however, have a to-do list as long as my arm. Wanna see??
  • do laundry
  • clean the house (bathrooms, bedrooms and all!!)
  • weed the front flower beds
  • stake the tomatoes
  • weed the garden (this is much worse than it sounds!!)
  • clean Casa de Guinea
  • clean up the basement from where we had foul fowl living in there
  • change the bed
  • wash my car/clean out the inside
  • plant my poor rose bush before it croaks
  • do something FUN!!

That's a lot to ask of 2 days, right? I guess I should get started tonight. I could probably clean our bedroom and bathroom before Husband gets home, and maybe even get the bed changed and everything. I could throw in a load of laundry while I'm doing all that. Then when he gets home he's going to weedeat and I could easily weed the front flower beds while he's doing that. Cleaning the basement will be a good project for the middle of the day tomorrow when it's far too hot to do anything outside (anything work-like anyway).

I better get to work - and since it's 8:32, it's time to start crossing my fingers that my office-mate has called in sick today!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hump Day

You know, having to work sucks sometimes and being independently wealthy would win out over working for a living any day. Guess I should start playing the lottery if I ever expect to live out my lifelong dreams of sloth and gluttony.

I announced to Husband the other night that once I pass my CPA and we get some money saved up, I'm going to go back to school to become a nurse. I believe he thinks I've lost my mind completely this time. But I've had these nurse fantasies (not like that!!) for a long time now, so I think I'll go for it. It's never too late to have dreams, I suppose. Of course...does it make sense to aspire to a career with worse hours and lower pay than the career I have now? I suppose not. Maybe I'll just become a candy striper after I retire. ;-)

I'm having trouble staying (getting) motivated today. Lord knows I have enough work to do, they keep piling it on ad nauseum, but I just don't feel like doing it. I want to go home and...oh, I don't know....chillax?? :-) Actually, I'd like to be studying right now - that would at least feel like I was accomplishing something. I never thought I'd get into the whole CPA exam thing, but I'm totally obessessed with it. I don't want to do anything except study. At all. Until I'm finished. Husband complains about how much I study and wants to know why I didn't take a break between tests, or why I have to study EVERY NIGHT FOR SIX WEEKS. Because I want to be done with this test, you know? I don't want to take it 15 times, I don't want to half-ass it and drag it out forever. I want to study hard now, learn this shit and be done. I want to pass all 4 parts on the first try. Who knows if I will (or if I have) but I want to, and not studying will not facillitate that. It's hard to explain this kind of obessession to someone who is not experiencing it, and even harder to ask them to be understanding about it.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tests, animals, life.

I'm back. Took some time off and had a lot of catching up to do at work yesterday, so no time for blogging. Wednesday was my first part of the CPA exam...BEC...Business Environment and Concepts. Lots of crap about partnerships, s-corps, c-corps, stocks, bonds, present value of money, information technology, international markets, etc, etc, etc. It's kind of the random-crap section of the exam. I sincerely hope I passed it, not just because I have a fear of failure, but also because if I have to study that boring ass shit again, I'll probably have to hurt someone. Then Thursday, Friday and Saturday we took a little trip to celebrate our anniversary. Saturday we came home, gathered the dogs, then grilled out some veggies for dinner and set off fireworks in the front yard. It was fun and I look forward to buying even more explosives next year!! Oddly enough, it is legal to buy the big fireworks in our state, but illegal to actually set them off. Needless to say, we ignored that last part of the law.

Saturday was our anniversary. We've been married 11 years. I keep saying that and it keeps blowing my mind. It is amazing how young we were when we got together and when we got married and how we've managed to stay together. So much shit has gone down since we got married, not just with us, but with all the people in our wedding. Let's look at my bride's maids. One of them had a baby, got married and had another baby (in that order), another one came out of the closet and lives happily with her girlfriend, another one got married and divored twice, got married again and had a baby, and the fourth one had a baby and got divorced. Then there's the groomsmen. The best man had a baby, got divorced, then married a woman who already has 4 kids. Another one had triplets, one had 2 kids and the fourth got divorced and is now a musician. That's a whole lot of crap happening, lots of marriages and divorces and babies for 8 people!! And what have we done? Well, no divorces or babies here. We did move to another city, finish college, got real jobs, moved again...out of state that time. And then of course, there were all manner of interesting developments and things I think you'd expect when two people essentially grow up together. I mean, I was only 18 and a month out of high school when we started dating. And now I'm 31 years old. Geez.

At work, my office mate is back. Yuck. I got used to having my own office (he was gone for a month...he's an auditor and they spend a lot of time in the field). As it turns out, I really took to talking to myself while he was gone too, so I've had to get that in check. And I got used to listening to my iPod too, but I can't do that with him in here either. But the good news is that he's here this week then gone again next week. Sweet.

At home, all is well. I'm studying again for the 2nd part of the exam which is scheduled for August 20th. This one is FAR - Financial Accounting and Reporting. I'm trying to get the house cleaned too, I accomplished the kitchen this weekend, that's been about it. Maybe tonight I'll knock out a bathroom or something. However, after the duck tragedies and the baby deer and all that sadness, my faith in the Disney cartoon status of our property has been restored. Sunday I went in the laundry room to hang something up and I looked out the window and there was a deer and 3 babies!! Triplets are very, very rare for deer so it was amazing. I yelled for Husband to come look and we stood at the window watching them. There is a patch in the middle of our front yard that contains our burn pile. We haven't had an opportunity to burn it and the grass/weeds have grown up around it. The fawns used it like a race track and chased each other in circles around it. It was hilarious!! The mother just stood watching them and eating grass, very calm. They moved over near the woods and we went on the back porch and watched them a while longer (they were kind of beside the house at that point). Finally they went into the woods. I took some pictures and will share them as soon as I can sweet-talk Husband into uploading them from the camera. Then this morning, I stepped out on the front porch and 5 deer ran across the driveway. They must have been grazing in the front yard and I startled them and they scampered off into the long grass in the field next to us. Not to sound like a big dork, but it was pretty magical. I mean, they're such beautiful creatures and for them to feel safe enough to just graze and hang out and bring their babies out so close to our house is pretty cool. So this morning's count was 5 deer, 1 indigo bunting and 1 baby bunny (we're overrun with bunnies...want some??)