Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Birthday Wish

My office is cold today. I have my little space heater running and the bottom part of my leg is el fuego but my fingers are little ice cicles. Such is the life of the office worker, it seems. I think I'll shut my door and keep the warm air in and the people out. Sounds like a good trade today.

Today is my niece's 1st birthday. That's a little bit amazing to me, time sure has flown. Then again, the changes that have occured in just a year are pretty remarkable. For instance, the day she was born, we still lived in the city, our house wasn't on the market yet, I was working a dead-end job (that I had come to detest) and Husband left for...hmmm...maybe Omaha that day because he traveled for his job a lot. Not to mention, the baby was just a little lump of cuteness that did nothing but eat, sleep and cry. She was completely unaware of her surroundings, she couldn't even poop yet!! She was the very definition of helpless. But today, a mere year later, we have sold our house in the city and have been living out in the sticks for almost 8 months, I've been working at my new job for 5 1/2 months, Husband has been at his job for a few months (I'm not sure how long) and I'm scheduled to take my first part of the CPA exam in a little over 2 weeks. Not to mention, the baby stands and walks (with something to hold onto), she is very well aware of what is happening around her, she can grab things on purpose and put them in her mouth, she crawls all over the place, she knows what her feet are and her hands (and how delicious they are!!) and she has some teeth and even though she isn't talking yet, she has very strong opinions about a number of things. It is impossible for me to list all of the things she has experienced for the first time or learned to do or figured out in the last year. Frankly, she makes the rest of us look like a bunch of slackers!

So Happy Birthday, Baby, I sincerely hope that as you grow older, you continue to learn and grow every day and that you can always find that innocent joy and wonder within yourself, no matter how birthdays have passed.

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