Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"...and I liked it."

I'm so stinking happy these days I make myself sick. Husband and I are getting along really well, I'm happy with our house, I'm excited about getting the duck/guinea shelter done and moving them outside, I'm feeling positive about my exam that's coming up, I'm excited about our anniversary trip next week, I'm satisfied with my job right now. You don't understand how unusual this is. My entire life I've been the poster child for Emo kids. But right now, even with my moodiness and unusual amounts of anger (you should try being cheerful-angry sometime, its really weird), overall, I'm practically fucking giddy. This is probably known as "manic", not "happy", but I'll take what I can get. :-) Whatever this mood is, I just hope it lasts. Like, forever.

Last night when I got home I straightened up the house a little (very little) then we went and met my sister, her husband and Katie (our niece) for dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. The service was awful, which has never been the case before, but isn't that always the way when you take someone to a place you swear is good? Then they came to our house to see the guineas and the ducks. They are all getting so big, my sister wanted to see them before they were full grown. Katie is now afraid of our dogs, just cause she hasn't seen them since she's been more aware of what's going on. Last time she was at our house (in April) she thought they were funny. Now they're scary. Hopefully she'll change her mind again. She didn't seem too impressed by the birds, probably because she doesn't really know what they are. She did watch the ducks in the pool though and seemed amused by that.

After last night though, its completely official that my BIL is a total (I mean - TOTAL) city boy. I'm pretty sure he was afraid of the guineas, probably because they look kind of mean and have pointy curved beaks. But they're just babies, and still cute! Soon they will lose the feathers on their heads and will look more like vultures. I'm sure he won't come within a mile of them then. Honestly, I think he was scared of the ducks too, which is hilarious to me. My sister ran right out there and grabbed a duck, no hesitation. I mean, they're almost still ducklings!! But he backed away and wouldn't let Katie touch it. In a way I think its funny, but in another way I'm afraid he isn't going to let her come stay with us when she's older because I get the feeling like he thinks we're irresponsible and that our house is a death trap. I could be way wrong, but that's the impression I get and even though I don't have kids or anything, I'd never let something happen to that little girl and it hurts my feelings a little bit. But then again, given our lack of kids and all the things around our house that he's uncomfortable with, I guess I can't really blame him.

Well, I'm not going to the charity thing tonight. Between the duck/guinea house, the lawn needing to be mowed, and the studying I have to do, I just don't have an entire evening that I can give up right now. So I told her I can't go, I'll just have to catch the next event. I'm sure she's not very happy about it, but right now I have a lot going on and I need more than 1 day notice when I'm going to have to surrender an entire evening to something. That's just how it is right now. Husband and I are meeting for lunch today and I'll tell him then that I'm not going, I think he'll be pretty happy.

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