Monday, June 22, 2009

"It speaks to the duality of man, Sir."

I think I'm too angry. This seems to be a new development. I mean, I've always been easy to piss off, but lately it seems like I go around looking for things to piss me off. For instance, today at lunch, the waitress took freaking forever to bring us our food and I hot. Then she didn't bring him his bread, when she dropped off his plate she said, "Oh, you asked me for some bread too, didn't you?" Um, NO, he ordered a sandwich...that's a lot different than "asking for bread"!!!! And it took her 50 years to actually get the bread and it was stale when she finally did. K was pretty chill about the whole thing, just kind of aggrivated that we would be late getting back to work, but not really mad. I was really, really mad. So mad in fact, that I didn't leave her a tip. At all. First time in my life I actually left no tip at all. And yes, I feel a touch guilty about it now. Perhaps that's why I'm writing this.

Oh, but there was also this kid - a teenager - there with her dad. He was really happy when they first showed up, but then she got on her phone and talked the entire time. And he just looked sadder and sadder and I felt so bad for him. It was all I could do to not get up and say something to her (pretty sure Husband would have melted into the floor in embarassment had that happened). Teenagers can be so awful. I was just so angry at her - and how's that even my business? Maybe he's a horrible man.

So here I am. A jumbled mix of seething anger and deep seated empathy.

1 comment:

  1. I empathize. I have a lot shorter fuse now, as I get older. That alone upsets me. I think in my case it is from trying to suppress small angers, til they become firey balls of wrath. I cannot express anger calmly. That is my life-long goal.
