Monday, June 22, 2009

Becoming a saint might be easier than becoming a godess

I've never been a domestic godess. I can whip together a dinner with quickness that would put Rachel Ray to shame and I can clean the hell out of a bathroom, or windows, or a kitchen (when I'm so inclined). When I dust, the surfaces sparkle and I'm not above handwashing every item in my china cabinet just to see it all shiney and wonderful. But just because I can do these things doesn't mean I DO. Or at least, not very often. I do cook quite frequently but that's about it. There is dust thick enough to make sculptures out of on the back of our TV, my china cabinet does not sparkle presently and lets not even get started on the giant balls of dog hair and dust bunnies under every piece of furniture. And the bathrooms, while not exactly vile, aren't the cleanest things ever. I have better things to do. We have ducks and guineas that are just babies and need a lot of attention and time right now. We have a giant lawn that constantly needs to be mowed. We have a garden that is more hospitable to weeds than to our plants (we finally got it weeded this weekend!!). I have a CPA exam to study for. I have bird feeders to fill and deer to watch and dogs to let in and out and to play with and get food and water for. Housework can wait. Right??

So here's my dilema. I love a clean house. I adore it. I could roll around naked in it!! Oh...wait...that's a different blog. ;-) But I hate getting it clean, because I know it'll only stay that way for about 30 seconds. Or until the dogs come in and Husband gets home...whichever comes first. But at the same time, I feel guilty when the house isn't clean. I mean, its my job, as the wife, to keep it clean, right? So that's my new year's resolution (even though the year is almost half-over, its never too late!) keep the house cleaner. I hardly spend any time just doing nothing anymore, so I'll have to either do things faster or something will have to go, but I'm going to work it out and make time for house keeping. It would be easier if Husband would complain about it once in a while, or make it a priority, but he doesn't seem to mind as long as the house isn't completely out-of-hand. So I have to motivate myself on this one.

If anyone has any house keeping suggestions...ideas, tips or encouragement in my godess endeavor, please feel free to share!!


  1. I am trying to head in the direction of doing one room a day, as opposed to all the dusting one day, all the floors another day. I find it less daunting. I feel I am constantly cleaning yet this place is never spotless. If *you* have tips, please share, too!

  2. I'm going to start trying on preventative measures I've heard about (like car waxon a stainless steel sink, baby oil on the shower door) to help things stay cleaner longer so maybe I can get on top of it.

    I'll definately let you know if I find anything that *really* works!!
