Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hump Day

You know, having to work sucks sometimes and being independently wealthy would win out over working for a living any day. Guess I should start playing the lottery if I ever expect to live out my lifelong dreams of sloth and gluttony.

I announced to Husband the other night that once I pass my CPA and we get some money saved up, I'm going to go back to school to become a nurse. I believe he thinks I've lost my mind completely this time. But I've had these nurse fantasies (not like that!!) for a long time now, so I think I'll go for it. It's never too late to have dreams, I suppose. Of course...does it make sense to aspire to a career with worse hours and lower pay than the career I have now? I suppose not. Maybe I'll just become a candy striper after I retire. ;-)

I'm having trouble staying (getting) motivated today. Lord knows I have enough work to do, they keep piling it on ad nauseum, but I just don't feel like doing it. I want to go home and...oh, I don't know....chillax?? :-) Actually, I'd like to be studying right now - that would at least feel like I was accomplishing something. I never thought I'd get into the whole CPA exam thing, but I'm totally obessessed with it. I don't want to do anything except study. At all. Until I'm finished. Husband complains about how much I study and wants to know why I didn't take a break between tests, or why I have to study EVERY NIGHT FOR SIX WEEKS. Because I want to be done with this test, you know? I don't want to take it 15 times, I don't want to half-ass it and drag it out forever. I want to study hard now, learn this shit and be done. I want to pass all 4 parts on the first try. Who knows if I will (or if I have) but I want to, and not studying will not facillitate that. It's hard to explain this kind of obessession to someone who is not experiencing it, and even harder to ask them to be understanding about it.

1 comment:

  1. i don't think nursing guarrentees low pay and bad hours. actually i think the opposite! (well, maybe not the bad hours, unless you can get in with a Dr who has a GP).

    a family friend, who is a super-smart, sucessful dude, his companies VP, been there 20-something years, etc... is about 6 months away from getting his nursing degree. He's always ahead of the curve and he knew bad economic times were a-comin'. And he thought 'what is one profession that never suffers during bad economic times?' Healthcare. People are always going to get sick. People are always going to need people with backgrounds in the medical field.

    All that said, i know it's not the kind of job i could handle. i can't see dogs in pain; how could i handle a person in pain? But i so admire those who can!
