Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Sorry about the serious lack of blogging. Well, that is, if anyone is still out there. In my defense, I have plenty of perfectly good excuses - most of which i probably won't get into here. Let me start by saying, it's officially Tax Season. Oh, and in case you're not aware (don't know if I've mentioned it), I'm a tax accountant. So you can imagine the fat one my life is sucking right now.

Also, there have been some health issues in the family this year. Some scary but not serious, some just annoying and some both scary and serious. None that I care to talk about.

On the home front - we got chickens!! We originally purchased 2 silver laced wyandottes, 2 rhode island reds, and 2 barred plymoth rocks. One of the wyandottes died the 2nd day we had them, so we'll have to replace her. We can't have just 1 wyandotte walking around feeling like she's the only one in the world! Imagine how awkward that will be when they hit their teens!! The other 5 seem to be doing quite well. They liked me a lot at first but now they're getting old enough to know they should be scared of me. So I make it a point to hold each one of them at least once a day. We're attempting to become friends. We're bonding. They mostly sit in my hand and stare at me, no doubt trying to figure out what the hell I am. Oh, and they also trying to escape, but not too actively. They live in a big ass rubbermaid container in the spare bedroom right now, so they're close enough that I'll go in there everyday.

Nothing else exciting happening. We've have 2 big snow storms this month. The first one hadn't even melted when the 2nd one dumped about 7 inches of "new snow" on our house Monday night. Needless to say, my Mustang is hopelessly stranded in the snow, so I've been riding to work with Husband. That's making it difficult to be here enough to get my require minimum of 50 billable hours, so I'll probably end up making some of that up this weekend (which should go on next week, not this week). It's confusing, but its the joy of living in a "billable time" world.

Speaking of which - this most certainly isn't billable, so I better get back to work!

1 comment:

  1. pics of chicks please :) will they live with the guinea hens when they get older?
